Why should you use a Salesforce consultancy?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

What does a Salesforce consulting firm actually do? That's why you should work with a certified Salesforce Consulting firm:

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In short, what does a Salesforce consultancy actually do?

  • A good Salesforce consulting firm, such as Salesfive, will make sure that their customers get the most out of Salesforce. 

  • Consulting services range from the actual implementation of the Salesforce solution, including data migration, to individual app developments and training or change management measures. 

  • You can find the right partner either via the AppExchange platform, where you can filter for Salesforce Germany, for example, or via word-of-mouth from similar companies, whereby it is always advisable to exchange information with various potential partners

A switch to Salesforce CRM is not normally completed in a few hours or even in two days. Expertise and time are needed to implement a holistic usage concept for the software. Since Salesforce itself does not provide consulting and implementation services for customers, this area falls within the remit of Salesforce partners/consultancies. But what does such a consultancy actually do?

Why should you work with a Salesforce consulting firm?

Basically, if companies are interested in Salesforce, they turn to a Salesforce consultancy. This advises its customers on the selection of the Salesforce products that are right for them and then carries out the implementation and, if necessary, development, which allows the specific Salesforce solution to achieve its maximum benefit. In essence, Salesforce's products are like a large construction kit - there are a great many options for mapping business processes, but this diversity can be overwhelming when you first get started. Therefore, in order for companies to take advantage of all the potential with Salesforce, it is recommended that they engage the advice and support of certified Salesforce partners. In addition, engaging a consultancy that works on site at the customer's premises has the advantage that company employees, i.e. future users and administrators, have the opportunity to learn directly from experienced Salesforce experts and benefit from their best practices. 

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Florian Gehring

Managing Director & Co-Founder