The Consumer Goods Cloud & SAP - a dynamic team

Salesforce's Consumer Goods Cloud is revolutionizing the consumer goods industry. And with SAP integration, data is synchronized, operations are streamlined, and visibility is improved. Discover the benefits of this dynamic partnership!

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SAP and CG Cloud - an introduction

The integration between the Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud (CG Cloud) and SAP offers companies in the consumer goods industry numerous advantages in central business processes. Such as in order tracking, master data management and product management. A detailed overview of all types of such integration and their benefits and details is provided in this article. Learn all about the synchronization of key data and the importance of protocols such as EDIFACT, REST and SOAP.

What is the Consumer Goods Cloud anyway?

The Consumer Goods Cloud (CG Cloud) is a dedicated solution developed by Salesforce to meet the unique needs of the consumer goods industry. It enables companies to connect with retail partners, optimize their operations, and gain valuable insights into their sales and distribution networks. But that's not all: by leveraging powerful tools like the Retail Execution feature, Consumer Goods Cloud enables on-site sales associates to take orders, update inventory information, and review product displays. A real asset! Because capturing real-time data allows you to closely monitor sales activity, better identify sales opportunities, and respond quickly to market changes.  

What are the benefits of integrating SAP with the Consumer Goods Cloud?

Experience the revolutionary fusion of SAP and Consumer Goods Cloud! This integration streamlines business processes, provides valuable insights, and improves the customer experience. Real-time data synchronization, streamlined order management, and increased visibility open up new opportunities for efficient operations and sustainable growth.

What data should be synchronized between the Consumer Goods Cloud and SAP?

1. account data and hierarchy

The integration enables synchronization of account data, including customer profiles, organizational details, and hierarchical relationships between accounts. This ensures a consistent and unified view of customers across all systems, facilitating effective sales strategies and relationship management. 

2. contact data

Contact information synchronization ensures that sales reps have access to accurate and complete customer data. This includes names, contact numbers, email addresses and other relevant information that enables seamless communication and relationship building.

3. product data

The integration enables synchronization of product data, including product hierarchy, categories and assortments. This ensures that sales teams have access to up-to-date product information to make accurate product recommendations and support effective merchandising.

4. price books

Price books and the included pricing rules are also essential data in the Consumer Goods Cloud, which should not be missing from an integration with the leading ERP system. Synchronization of this data enables "Penny perfect pricing" in Salesforce with data that is always up to date. 

5. order data

The integration facilitates the synchronization of order-related information such as order status and inventory. This ensures that both systems have real-time visibility into order progress, inventory availability, and delivery status. Sales teams can proactively manage orders, resolve issues immediately, and provide accurate information to customers. 

Relevant integration protocols: EDIFACT, REST and SOAP

EDIFACT, REST and SOAP are relevant integration protocols for communication and data exchange between the Consumer Goods Cloud and SAP. EDIFACT is one of the main protocol standards for transferring information about orders, while REST and SOAP are used as the standard for integrating most other data such as customer hierarchies, contact information and product data.

What are the benefits of middleware in the Consumer Goods Cloud

Almost any integration can benefit from a middleware solution. Synchronizing data between CG Cloud and SAP is no exception. One of the main advantages of using middleware like MuleSoft is that it supports a wide range of integration protocols, including the aforementioned protocols such as EDIFACT, REST and SOAP. This flexibility ensures compatibility and interoperability between Salesforce and SAP systems and enables smooth data synchronization and communication. MuleSoft's Anypoint platform offers pre-built connectors and integration templates designed specifically for Salesforce and SAP, reducing development time and effort. 


The integration of Salesforce Consumer Goods Cloud and SAP enables companies in the consumer goods industry to streamline business processes, optimize sales operations, and drive growth. By synchronizing account data, contact information, product details, and order data, companies can achieve improved visibility, a better customer experience, and more efficient processes. Leveraging protocols such as EDIFACT, REST and SOAP, especially with the use of middleware such as Mulesoft, ensures seamless integration and enables effective data synchronization and real-time collaboration between Salesforce CG Cloud and SAP. 

Would you like to talk to our experts about CG Cloud and SAP? Get in touch with us.

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