Tasks Salesforce Consulting

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Are you wondering what the tasks of a Salesforce consultancy are, and what advantages the right partner can bring you? We bring light into the darkness.

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Tasks Salesforce Consulting - Introduction

Salesforce partners advise customers on which Salesforce products are right for them and then implement and, if necessary, develop them, enabling the specific Salesforce solution to deliver its maximum benefits. 

Since every company is structured differently, there are always different things to consider when integrating existing processes into Salesforce. Salesforce's consultancies are experts in adapting the desired Salesforce solution to the specific processes within a company. In addition to a first-time implementation of the software, Salesforce consulting companies can also be engaged to optimize or adapt existing Salesforce systems. 

Data migration also plays an important role in the introduction of Salesforce, especially if data from Outlook contacts, multiple Excel spreadsheets, email newsletter database, etc. need to be merged, which is usually the case. In close cooperation with a consultancy, it is possible to determine exactly which data should be transferred in which way and then reused later in Salesforce. Salesforce's experts refer to this as "integration" or "implementation" because existing processes and data must be embedded in the logic of the software. 

Procedure Implementation:

As already mentioned, a Salesforce consultancy configures various Salesforce solutions according to the specific needs of the customer. After a joint initial requirements' analysis, the Salesforce solution is usually implemented in an agile process. 

Depending on the Salesforce consultancy, the range of services also includes integrations of third-party applications, the development of individual applications and functions, and the enhancement of existing Salesforce systems. In addition, we at Salesfive offer our customers individual Salesforce training and support them in the implementation of change management measures. 

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Florian Gehring

Managing Director & Co-Founder