CRM implementation: Here's what you should watch out for!

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You would like to introduce a CRM system? Then you have to consider many things. Learn helpful tips & solutions in the Salesfive guide now!

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CRM systems also have their challenges and risks:

  • An inappropriate or poorly implemented CRM system can quickly lead to high administrative expenses for a company

  • Depending on the size and structure of a company's processes, the introduction of a CRM system may require extensive restructuring measures and is associated with certain costs (which, however, usually pay off!).

  • A CRM system alone does not create added value; only its correct use does. Employee training courses tailored to the respective system are therefore a prerequisite for the optimal development of the benefits of a CRM system. 

The following are a number of tips for a suitable approach to implementing a CRM system

  • STEP-BY-STEP: Employees learn best step by step, therefore a step-by-step implementation of the CRM system is recommended.

  • AGILITY: With agile project management and incremental approach, the CRM system can be continuously adapted to emerging needs and innovations released during the implementation phase can be directly incorporated

  • PLANNING: About employee motivation and budget risks, planning should be done in such a way that no more than a few weeks or months should pass from scoping to roll-out and successes should be visible after a short time. 

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Our conclusion - Why you should definitely use a CRM system.

The introduction of a CRM system is one of the most important steps towards digitization. While switching to a CRM system is not an easy undertaking and reconciling all data and processes to a new system can take a lot of time and effort, the effort will more than pay off in the long run.

Only a unified data source, as provided by a CRM system, enables the management and analysis of large amounts of data, which nowadays indisputably counts as one of the main sources for the success of any company. A CRM system not only enables an increase in efficiency through the optimization of internal company processes, but the 360-degree view of the customer also enables companies to perfectly tailor their services to the needs of their customers and thus increase the satisfaction and loyalty of their customers.

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Managing Director & Co-Founder