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Salesforce Release Winter 2024

We have summarized the most important new features of the Salesforce release for you.

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Short and sweet

The Salesforce Winter Release 2024 is just around the corner and, as every year, brings a number of new features, improvements and innovations. The release was rolled out over several weeks, in different instances. Salesforce published the release on the following weekends:

  • First weekend: 06 October 2023

  • Second Weekend: October 13, 2023

After that, the updates are available in all Orgs available. We have summarized the most important innovations for you in highlights. For more detailed information, you can download the detailed Release Notes from Salesforce.

Highlight Nr.1

MFA as a fixed part of the login

Users:inside are contractually obligated to provide a Multi-factor authentication (MFA) to use. To help customers meet these requirements, Salesforce is now enabling automatically the MFA for all instances that have not yet implemented this.

This change becomes mandatory in the Summer 2024.

Highlight #2

Create flows easily without code using external data sources

The new "Transform Element" at "Flow Builder" allows users to easily merge and customize information from multiple sources. With this easy-to-use solution, you can update records without programming skills, minimizing manual entry. You can also create automated processes that access information not stored directly in Salesforce.

Want to dive deeper into the new update? Then you will find here concrete examples.

Highlight No. 3

Save yourself time with Reactive Screens

With "Reactive Screens" makes the experience smoother and easier for your users. Instead of constantly loading new pages, content adapts in real time. This saves you development time by allowing you to reuse building blocks, and makes the user experience more convenient by reducing the number of clicks. It feels like you're working on one continuous page.

Want to dive deeper into what's new? Read more here about Reactive Screens.

Highlight No. 4

Create Custom Error Messages in Flows

Use the new element "Custom Error Message"to create specific error messages for your users. The messages explain Your users, what error has occurred and how to correct it. The associated record change is undone. In addition, error messages can be generated for Pre-storage- and Post-storage flows be created.

The star of the Winter Release 2024: AI

AI Media

Whether at Dreamforce 2023 or in the Salesforce Winter Release - the topic of artificial intelligence is more present than ever. We present the most important innovations.

Sales Cloud

Service Cloud

Field Service Lightning

Flied Service Lighting

Field Service Lightning now keeps mobile workers informed with AI summaries. Work time management and scheduling tools have been optimized, and new insights into maintenance needs now increase the efficiency of your business.

Experience Cloud

Experience Cloud

Share content from all areas of your work with your LWR website (Lightning Web Runtime). All LWR websites you create now offer additional features:

  • With the Experience Builder you can add individual designs via CSS to each component.

  • You can now own rules that determine when which components are visible.

  • A new folder in the "DigitalExperiencesBundle" makes it easy to change the general design of your website.

The registration for all your Experience Cloud Websites is now faster and more secure.

B2B Commerce Cloud

  • Customers can now purchase up to 2.000 items in their shopping cart.

  • Thanks to Einstein Generative AI the most frequently purchased products are now automatically suggested to your customers.

  • Creating your store is now even easier and works almost automatically thanks to new setup tools.

  • Shopping will be more convenient for customers: shorter loading times on product pages, guest access for viewing order information and better market overviews.

  • Media access from all CMS areas and better search engine friendliness through individual web addresses.

  • Orders can be placed on behalf of customers and registration can be optimized.

You can find more detailed information here.

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Florian Gehring

Managing Director & Co-Founder

Alle Salesforce Release Highlights für Sie im Überblick

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