How to digitize your sales

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Discover how digitalization is revolutionizing sales, after-sales service and field service, increasing efficiency and creating future-proof solutions. Read now! 

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The Digitization of sales is more than a trend - it is a necessary step to remain competitive in today's fast-paced and technology-driven business world. By implementing digital technologies, companies can make their sales processes more efficient, increase customer satisfaction and ultimately increase their revenue.

At the center of this digital transformation are CRM systems and the application artificial intelligence (KI). Investigations show that companies that use CRM systems see a significant improvement in customer loyalty and an increase in sales success. While CRM systems serve as the backbone for managing customer relationships, AI extends the capabilities of CRM. AI can recognize patterns and trends in large amounts of data that are difficult for humans to see through. This leads to advanced data analysis that can be used, for example, to predict purchasing behavior, identify customer preferences or recommend the next best step in customer interaction.

Salesforce as one of the leading CRM systems on the market, illustrates how the integration of cloud technology, AI and automation can transform sales. It enables the analysis of customer needs and behaviour, personalized marketing and sales strategies and improved customer interaction.

Find out more about digitalization in sales in connection with Salesforce in the course of this article.

CRM systems in digital sales: an indispensable component

Die Rolle von CRM-Systemen in der digitalen Vertriebslandschaft

Wie in der Einführung bereits angeschnitten, bilden CRM-Systeme das Fundament für erfolgreiche digitale Vertriebsstrategien. Die Bedeutung liegt in ihrer Fähigkeit, alle Kundeninteraktionen zu zentralisieren, was Unternehmen einen 360-Grad-Blick auf den Kunden bietet. Von Kundendatenmanagement über Lead-Generierung bis hin zu Vertriebsprognosen unterstützen CRM-Systeme bei der Automatisierung und Effizienzsteigerung.

Salesforce: Das führende CRM-System

Ein Beispiel für die Integration eines CRM´s in den Vertriebsprozess ist die Nutzung von Salesforce. Es ermöglicht die Automatisierung der Lead-Pflege und bietet tiefe Einblicke in Verkaufschancen, was Vertriebsteams hilft, ihre Strategien anzupassen und den Verkaufsabschluss zu beschleunigen. Unternehmen können automatisierte E-Mails basierend auf dem Verhalten und den Präferenzen der Kunden versenden, um sie durch den Verkaufszyklus zu führen. Die Vorteile von Salesforce reichen von seiner Cloud-Basis, die Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit bietet, bis hin zur Einbindung von Einstein, einer KI, die datengestützte Einsichten liefert.

Sie sehen: Die Anpassungsfähigkeit von Salesforce an Ihre individuellen Geschäftsbedürfnisse macht es zu einem wertvollen Werkzeug für Unternehmen jeder Größe.

From data to deals: CRM and AI are transforming B2B sales

The use of a CRM system such as Salesforce and the use of artificial intelligence in B2B sales offers numerous advantages. Here are six facts that illustrate the benefits in the B2B sector.

Everything from a single source: get started with Salesforce modules

With its specialized modules - digital sales process, visit report and B2B online store - Salesforce offers tailor-made solutions that meet the requirements of modern sales models. We summarize the most relevant modules for your industry:

The digital sales process

Manual processes and decentralized control often slow down sales. With a digital sales process which is based on industry standards, speed can be increased and deals concluded more quickly.

Salesforce sales templates provide a clear structure for all sales phases, from customer data documentation to order details, and centralize important information. They support sales teams with specific recommendations for action and make both complex and simple processes more efficient. The digital processes can also be individually adapted and expanded to meet the requirements of your company.

Visit report

Lengthy communication channels between office and field staff as well as decentralized visit report filing systems can make documentation consistency difficult and slow down sales. The solution offers a Digital visit report module .

This module considerably simplifies the planning, documentation and follow-up of field service appointments. The use of standardized report templates and a central filing system minimizes administrative effort. A user-friendly interface enables the digital recording and long-term storage of visit reports, which can be accessed via an app on all end devices.

B2B online store

A B2B online store for ordering materials: Ordering products, individual parts or consumables has never been so easy for you and your customers, partners or OEMs. The B2B online store offers the following functions:

  1. Order processAfter the initial order, customers receive access to the dealer portal. There, they can reorder the required quantity directly using a QR code or serial number. Warranty claims are also processed automatically and the buyer is informed of the status.

  2. Documentation and supportIn addition to ordering, customers can access documentation, exploded views and the FAQ section. Service cases can also be triggered directly in the portal.

  3. Order processingThe responsible departments and employees are notified when an order is placed online. The order is checked in the ERP system and an approval process can be stored if required. Notifications to the person placing the order and the responsible employees are sent automatically by email or push notification.

  4. Payment and invoicingPayment is also made via the B2B online store, which offers various payment options. Invoicing is partially automated and in line with the ERP system

Would you like to find out more? We have a Overview of all Salesforce modules created.

Artificial intelligence in sales

As already mentioned in the section "Smart decisions through B2B data analysis", AI offers valuable benefits for your company. This is because the introduction of artificial intelligence in sales transforms how companies work by improving efficiency and customer proximity. AI minimizes manual activities, gives sales teams more room for strategic tasks and promotes stronger customer relationships through data analysis, sales predictions and personalized communication. This technology not only increases customer satisfaction, but also sales. It is used in areas such as lead management, pricing and customer care.

Use of Salesforce AI

Salesforce, as a leading provider of cloud-based CRM solutions, uses AI technologies to revolutionize sales processes. A core component is Einstein AI, Salesforce's AI platform that supports sales teams with intelligent automation and accurate predictions. Examples of the use of AI in Salesforce include:

  1. Lead scoringBy analyzing behavioral data and historical interactions, sales teams can use Einstein AI to identify the leads that are most likely to convert. This enables prioritization of efforts and resources to the most promising opportunities.

  2. Next steps and recommendationsEinstein AI can provide sales employees with recommendations for the next steps based on the analysis of past sales cycles and customer interactions. This helps to speed up the sales process and increase the chances of success.

  3. Automated data entryAI tools in Salesforce reduce manual effort by extracting information from emails, calendar entries and other communication channels and feeding it directly into the CRM system. This ensures up-to-date data and saves valuable time.

  4. Personalized communicationBy analyzing customer preferences and interactions, Einstein AI enables the creation of tailored communication strategies. This allows sales reps to tailor their messages to the specific needs of each customer to increase engagement rates.

Would you like to learn more about Salesforce Einstein? Then read our article on the various Salesforce products.


In summary, a CRM system with its versatile and customizable solutions supports companies in meeting the challenges of modern sales. Through the digitalization of sales processes and the implementation of intelligent AI functions, it enables a new dimension of customer interaction and loyalty, leading to increased efficiency and business success. In the future, the continuous adaptation and expansion of these digital tools will be crucial to meet the rapidly changing demands of the market and secure a competitive advantage.

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Florian Gehring

Managing Director & Co-Founder