Success story

The new way of trading precious metals at C.HAFNER

Thanks to a new trading platform based on Salesforce solutions, C.HAFNER can now offer its customers a unique user experience.


With the help of Salesfive, C.HAFNER, a company with a long tradition in precious metal production, has succeeded in implementing a reliable e-commerce store based on Salesforce as a central component of the company's digitalization strategy.

This enabled the company to fully automate trading, ordering and collection processes on a single platform - and thus increase customer loyalty and satisfaction through a unique user experience.

What we have implemented

Introduction of the B2B Commerce Cloud as the basis for the international trading platform Price Engine ensures customer-specific price calculation in real time SAP integration for seamless customer data transfer International orientation of the new customer portal through multilingualism


About C.HAFNER GmbH + Co KG

Founded in 1850, C.HAFNER is now one of Europe's leading providers of products and services in the field of precious metal technology. The family-run company is now managed in the fifth generation by Birgitta Hafner and Dr. Philipp Reisert and focuses equally on innovative products, digital technologies, high customer orientation and the highest environmental standards.

C.HAFNER extracts precious metals from secondary materials, which are further processed into semi-finished products, components, powders and ingots. The technological origin and core of the process and material expertise is therefore precious metal separation, i.e. the recycling of precious metal waste from a wide variety of manufacturing processes.

Areas of application include industry, jewelry and watches as well as dental technology, resulting in a wide range of products and services. C.HAFNER generates added value for its customers through technological advances in service and process workflows.

Company building of C.HAFNER

The challenges

Time-sensitive trading

Trading in precious metals is subject to price fluctuations every second. Although the online portal previously used by C.HAFNER was able to map these and record orders, all other processes had to be carried out manually and took a lot of time.

Manual transaction processing

The purchase and sale of precious metals had to be carried out entirely manually: Customers had to contact the company by phone to inquire about transaction options and further information.

Incomplete system connections

The portal for order entry was only incompletely connected to further processing systems. Maintaining the data in several places was therefore error-prone, monotonous and time-consuming.

Complex commissioning process

Setting up collection orders for the scrap and downstream precious metal recycling also tied up important internal resources due to several manual process steps.

The solution

A new trading platform to automate all time-critical processes.

Customized CRM solution for optimal fit

With the introduction of the B2B Commerce Cloud, we created the foundation for the new precious metal trading platform. The Salesforce solution was customized to ensure that all time-critical processes and functional requirements were reliably covered.

Efficient price calculation and order processing

The connection of Salesforce to SAP and the Price Engine enables the calculation of precious metal prices from the current market price and the customer-specific conditions in the online portal. Orders are automatically transferred to the B2B Commerce Cloud in real time.

Automated processes thanks to web store

The order process for collecting scrap gold has also been automated: Companies wishing to recycle old gold can now place a collection order via the newly set up web store. This eliminates the need for telephone processing.

Tangible added value in the customer portal

In the new customer portal, C.HAFNER customers can now independently access their weight account and view relevant information. There are now also completely new possibilities in the area of trading.

Technical and strategic partnership

By working together as partners, we were able to provide C.HAFNER with comprehensive technical and strategic advice.

All the details about the project are only available here!

Download the detailed success story now and get even more detailed insights into the project implementation and the new, automated company processes. You can also find out what C.HAFNER particularly appreciates about us as a Salesforce partner.

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