Your development at Salesfive

Arrive & advance

We want you to feel comfortable and welcome with us from day one. Our well thought-out onboarding introduces you to the world of Salesfive and your new tasks. Once you're firmly in the saddle, we have a wide range of training courses ready for you, with which you can constantly develop yourself further. We take your ambitions seriously and support you wherever we can.

Frau blickt vor gelbem Vorhang in die Kamera

Your onboarding as a Fiver

A fiver from the very first second. Not only our future consultants, but also new CBS colleagues go through our structured onboarding process. The latter can decide for themselves which Salesforce sessions they want to attend or whether they want to start directly on internal projects. Even as an experienced consultant with Salesforce experience or certificates, you can of course skip steps.
Icon Onboarding bei Salesfive

Your first week

For your start, you will be invited to our Head Quarter in Munich during the first week. You can look forward to a delicious welcome lunch, first buddy sessions and a comprehensive introduction to our processes and departments. We have also prepared the first Salesforce input for you!

Icon Onboarding in der Salesfive Academy

Your first three months

In the next few weeks we will get you ready for your new job! You can expect a lot of exciting input on Salesforce administration, project management, consulting skills and a first fictitious project.
After three months you will complete the onboarding with your first Salesforce certification.

Always at your side: your onboarding buddy

A new start in a company is always a challenge, both professionally and personally. On your very first day, you will therefore be assigned an experienced Fiver as a buddy who will support you in word and deed and answer all your questions. You can also exchange ideas with him/her outside of your team over a cozy lunch and in regular joint sessions. This will make you feel safe and welcome right from the start and you will benefit from helpful tips and insights.

Zwei Personen unterhalten sich lachend
Mann sitzt am Schreibtisch und blickt in die Kamera
Ready to grow?

With us you can constantly develop

Lifelong learning is a top priority for us. That's why you can choose from a wide range of internal sessions and trainings as well as advanced training by external experts. Whether you are a newcomer or an old hand, we take your ambitions seriously and support you in your professional and personal development.

Your further education at Salesfive

Not only the content is crucial for successful training, but also the quality. We want to make you an expert and do everything we can to support you on your way.



Annual internal trainings


Salesforce enthusiasts for internal knowledge sharing

For deep knowledge

Our Deep Dives

You want to dive deep into a specific Salesforce topic in a compact session? With the internal Deep Dives of our Academy you get concentrated knowledge and exciting input from our experts. This way you can expand your know-how in the shortest possible time. The focus is on the core business of Salesforec around Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud.

Junger Mann an einem Tisch mit Laptop blickt in die Kamera
For the most diverse topics

Experts from outside

In addition to our numerous internal trainings, you can also take advantage of an extensive range of external courses and further education. Here, for example, methodological training is possible to learn more about design thinking or to expand your soft skills. You can also take a language course, which can be of great benefit not only professionally. Learn agile and controlled project management with Scrum or PRINCE2. Choose for yourself what you are interested in and what will bring you further.

Trainer lehnt entspannt an einer Wand
For regular exciting input

Knowledge Fridays and Lunch & Learn Sessions

Besides classic trainings and continuing education courses, we also offer innovative and more loosely structured learning formats. Our Knowledge Fridays and Lunch & Learn sessions take place regularly online and are open to everyone. Here we dive into a wide variety of topics together, listen to reports from colleagues or presentations from experts and can discuss together. This way, you constantly get new input, benefit from broad knowledge and get to know new Fivers outside of your team.

Junge Frau vor einem modernen Bürogebäude
Frau in weißem Hemd lacht ihren Gesprächspartner an
The basis for your further development

Valuable feedback

At Salesfive, we live an open-minded feedback culture at all levels. Because constructive feedback is important for professional and personal development. In this way, we promote open cooperation between colleagues across departments and hierarchies and create an environment in which everyone can learn from each other. This also makes your career development as transparent as possible. Only with an open corporate culture can we achieve great things together.

Our feedback process at a glance

We rely on a holistic feedback process. On the one hand, this is based on three central discussions that take place every year. In addition, you can regularly exchange ideas and receive short-term feedback in our bi-weeklies.

Annual Kick-Off & Goal Setting

In this meeting, you and your manager define your goals together and consider how you want to measure them. You also discuss the framework conditions that you think are necessary to achieve these goals and plan suitable training for your further development.


Semi-annual performance reviews

Twice a year, your manager discusses your performance over the last few months and plans the next career steps with you. Important for this are your individually set goals and a 360-degree feedback that includes your personal competencies as well as our five corporate values.



Our bi-weekly meetings take place every two weeks as a regular exchange with your manager. In this way, you also receive regular feedback on the status of your work between the major meetings. Here you will find room to discuss current topics or request concrete support.

You too can grow with us

Are you ready to become a Fiver yourself?

If we were able to convince you with our onboarding and the diverse training opportunities, we look forward to receiving your application!

Junge Frau blickt in die Kamera und streckt ihre Hand Richtung Kamera