Come and see us!

Your Salesforce Partner in Frankfurt

Auszeichnung der Salesfive GmbH als Authorized Cloud Reseller mit weißem Salesforce Namen auf hellblauer Wolke.
Auszeichnung der Salesfive GmbH als Trusted Salesforce Consulting Partner mit weißem Salesforce Namen auf hellblauer Wolke.
Always there for you!

Gemorje Frankfurt

We are your Implementation partner for Salesforce and certified Salesforce consulting in Frankfurt. Whether you want to kick off digitization with the introduction of Salesforce or already use Salesforce as a CRM system and want to expand this – Salesfive is your partner.

We are there for you – directly on site, and accompany you every step of the way with Salesforce. Contact your personal contact Josef Nießen today. He tells you all about our Salesforce consulting in Frankfurt!

Contact us

Your contact for Frankfurt

Josef Nießen

salesfive GmbH
Europa-Allee 54
60327 Frankfurt am Main

We have what you need

What you can expect from Salesfive

Get the go-ahead for digital transformation. How? With our digitization and CRM consulting. A Salesforce implementation offers numerous opportunities to transform your departments and processes into the cloud. This is exactly where Salesfive comes in and becomes your personal strategy consultant, companion and implementer.

All Salesforce Clouds

At Salesfive we offer professional Salesforce Consulting by our more than 250 qualified consultants. They can provide you with information on any Salesforce Cloud. Moreover, since we offer licenses of all Salesforce Clouds, we make sure you get the package that best fits your needs!

All Industries

With our experience serving over 850 companies and our expertise in digitization consulting and Salesforce consulting in particular, we understand the unique challenges of each industry. Together, we develop a solution tailored specifically to you.

Multi-cloud Projects

Whether you want to use one cloud or 20 clouds. We are able to combine your clouds with each other – for a smooth usage.

On site in Germany

So that we can advise you as individually and personally as possible, we also have an office in your city. Just come and see us - together we can master the challenges of digitization!

Broad Partner Network

The Salesforce ecosystem consists not only of Salesforce solutions. Third-party providers form a large network that makes it possible to handle all requirements.

Process Consulting and Implementation

From start to success, we provide answers in your digitization project. From initial digitization consulting to consulting on all Salesforce products, architecture design and integration for current systems, we accompany you on the way to implementation. With effective training and our expertise in Salesforce and digitization, we also support you beyond that. As part of your team, we shape the digital transformation and ensure a successful transformation.

Ready for the first step?

Were we able to convince you of the benefits of holistic digitization consulting? Then take the first step now and let us advise you.